Food Packaging Review: Ramen Noodles


Ramen noodles. You all know the deal with these things, right? Some kinda damn ersatz pasta and DuPont's (or is that Dow's?) culinary finest in chem-o-flavor that comes in a little foil packet. Fuckers run five for a buck and don't really even qualify as proper food. Excepting the generous portion of sodium (like any of our salt-clogged systems need more of that stuff), they're right down there on the bottom with cardboard boxes on the nutritional-value scale.

These things are what poor people eat 'cause they can't afford to buy really expensive shit like, oh say CHICKEN. When I'm checking my budget toward the end of the month, when beer money is running dangerously low and drastic measures are in order, it's off to the grocery store for a shopping cart full of the damn things. Cost about three-fifty for the whole lot of 'em.

So now that we know where we are here, let's have a look at the package, shall we?

And right there on the back of the damn thing, in all it's glory, is a recipe for NOODLES MEDITERRANEAN.

Sounds like some pretty high-toned shit if you ask me.

Got stuff in it like "fresh basil, shredded", "hot cooked chicken, julienne", "cubed Roma tomatoes", and several other items that sound about as appropriate for use with ramen noodles as hitching a plow to the back of your brand new Jaguar and going out into the field to turn some dirt with it.

Does anybody read this kind of shit on the back of cheapie food packages? Can the people buying this stuff read at all? What in hell IS hot "hot cooked chicken, julienne" anyhow?

Somewhere, in a large building downtown in some megalopolis, there's a guy sitting behind a desk who makes a hundred grand a year to come up with this kind of shit.

Knock it off, asshole!

Put a picture of a naked lady or something back there. Something that somebody just might wanna see. Instead of a bogus recipe for fancy schmancy shit that nobody in the whole world is ever gonna go looking for on a package of fucked up ramen noodles. Ok?

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