
Conference Papers

Aden, R. M. "Electrical Support Equipment for the Saturn V Launch Vehicle System." Proceedings of 2nd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 5-7 Apr. 1965.

Clements, J. S. "S-IC Stage Instrumentation Checkout Concepts at KSC." Proceedings of 3rd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 7-10 March 1966.

Debus, Kurt. "Some Design Problems Encountered in Construction of Launch Complex 39," Hermann Oberth Gesellschaft, Darmstadt, Germany, 25 June 1964.

--. "Trends and Problems in Instrumentation and Operations in NASA's Future Space Efforts." AFMTC- AFESD-AFCEA Symposium, Patrick A. F. B., FL, 6 Mar. 1962.

--. "Launch Operations for Saturn V/Apollo." 10th Annual Meeting of the American Astronautical Society, New York, 6 May 1964.

Deese, James H. "The Problem of Low Level Wind Distribution." Structural Engineers Councils of Florida, Tampa, FL, 9 Nov. 1964.

Duran, B. E. "Saturn I/IB Launch Vehicle Operational Status and Experience." Paper 680739, Society of Automotive Engineers, Los Angeles, 7-11 Oct. 1968.

Eudy, Glenn. "Saturn V Mechanical Ground Support Equipment." Proceedings of 2nd Space

Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 5-7 Apr. 1965.

George, W. V., and C. A. Stinson. "An Automated Telemetry Checkout Station for the Saturn V Systems." 1966 National Telemetering Conference, Boston, MA, 12 May 1966.

Goff, H. C., and J. M. Schabacker. "Apollo Spacecraft Integrated Checkout Planning." Proceedings of 3rd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 7-10 Mar. 1966.

Hope, J. R., and C. J. Neumann. "Probability of Tropical Cyclone Induced Winds at Cape Kennedy." Proceedings of 5th Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 11-14 Mar. 1968.

Jafferis, William. "Prelaunch and Launch Checkout Operations - Uprated Saturn and Saturn V Vehicles." Project SETE, New York, 24-28 July 1967.

Johansen, R. B. "Developments in On-Board and Ground Checkout Systems." AIAA paper 70-245, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Launch Operations Meeting. Cocoa Beach, FL, 2-4 Feb. 1970.

Knothe, Adolf H. "Range Safety - Do We Need It?" AIAA paper 70-249, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Launch Operations Meeting, Cocoa Beach, FL, 2-4 Feb. 1970.

Marshall, John M. "The Mobile Concept and Automated Checkout of the Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicle." 22nd International Astronautical Congress, Brussels, Sept. 1971.

Montgomery, R. M. "Range Safety of the Eastern Test Range." AIAA paper 70-246. AIAA Launch Operations Meeting, Cocoa Beach, FL, 2-4 Feb. 1970.

Moore, F. Brooks, and William Jafferis. "Apollo/Saturn Prelaunch Checkout Display Systems." IEEE Conference on Displays, Univ. of Loughborough, England, 7-10 Sept. 19-1.

Petrone, Rocco. "Apollo/Saturn V Launch Operations." AIAA Third Annual Meeting. Boston, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 1966.

--. "Ground Support Equipment and Launch Installations at John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA, for the Manned Lunar Landing Program." 15th International Astronautical Congress, Warsaw, 1964.

--. "Saturn V/Apollo Launch Operations Plan." AIAA Space Flight Testing Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, 18-20 Mar. 1963.

Richard, Ludie G. "Saturn V System Philosophies." Proceedings of 2nd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 5-7 Apr. 1965.

Robin, E. A. "Development and Utilization of Computer Test Programs for Checkout of Space Vehicle." Proceedings of 4th Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 3-6 Apr. 1967.

Rorex, James E., and Robert P . Eichelberger. "Digital Data Acquisition System in Saturn V." Proceedings of 2nd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 5-7 Apr. 1965.

Rudolph, Arthur. "Operational Experience with the Saturn V. "AIAA paper 68-1003, AIAA 5th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 21-24 Oct. 1968.

Salvador, G., and R. W. Eddy. "Saturn IB Stage Launch Operations." Proceedings of 5th Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 11-14 Mar. 1968.

Speer. F. A. "Saturn I Flight Test Evaluation." AIAA paper 64-322, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington, July 1964.

Taylor. G. H. "Operational Television System for Launch Complex 39 at the John F. Kennedy Space Center." Proceedings of 5th Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 11-14 Mar.


Taylor, T., Jr. "System Considerations for Establishing Prelaunch Checkout Effectiveness." Proceedings of 2nd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 5-7 Apr. 1965.

Tedesko, Anton. "Assembly and Launch Facilities for the Apollo Program, Merritt Island, Florida: Design of the Structure of the Vertical Assembly Building." ASCE Structural Engineering Conference, 21 Oct. 1964.

Thilges, J. N. "Range Safety, A Thorn in the Flesh." Proceedings of 3rd Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 7-10 Mar. 1966.

von Tiesenhausen, Georg. "Ground Equipment to Support the Saturn Vehicle." American Rocket Society, Washington, Dec. 1960.

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